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Article: The Acceptance Speech


The Acceptance Speech

I debated whether or not to post this, but I felt it was important to acknowledge that in the face of what some might consider a loss, I have had the pleasure of being a guest in yet another strange world. You don't get to visit these places without offering a piece of yourself, you don't get visit these places without accepting the possibility you may fall short of the grand prize. That said, I am so honored to have been given a seat at the table. Therefore I will deliver the acceptance speech I lied and said I didn't write.

September 15, 2013

A quick list of amazing people who helped make this happen

*My parents, Lin and Brian

*My brothers and sisters

*Ron Perry, Matt Pincus and Carriane Marshall from SONGS publishing who signed off on this adventure

*Jen Ross for her guidance

*The fans, cast and crew of Smash especially, Josh Safran, for believing in me and inviting me into the amazing world of Broadway on T.V.

*To My Grandmother Barbara who is celebrating her 90th birthday today/ I love you Nan

*I accept this honor on behalf of the countless young adults facing the beast that is cancer/ I am living proof that if you keep fighting you can wind up on stages just like this one.

*And most importantly to my wife Kelly Ann; You are the voice I hear in my dreams. You have seen me through illness, two bands, 13 years on the road and countless successes and failures. I cannot wait to meet our newborn baby. When they grow up we will be able to tell them

they walked the red carpet in their mothers belly on the night their daddy received his very first major award. I love you so much!

*Thank You*

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