Second Benefit Show Details
Dear friends of Jack's Mannequin,
I am writing to let you know that after a great deal of consideration we have decided to move forward with the addition of a second Dear Jack Benefit show.
Our decision to move forward was two fold. One, aside from the fact that these will be the last JM performances, the ultimate goal of this event is to support initiatives that will improve the lives of young adults affected by cancer. Simply put, the addition of a second night, means we have the ability to make double the impact for our cause. Second, it was extremely upsetting to find scalpers snatching up tickets for night one and reselling them for outrageous fees on Stubb Hub, a site which thrives on the abuse of loopholes in scalping laws.
Speaking to this point, each transaction for the second show will be ticketless and limited to four tickets. The purchaser will be required to be present at the venue with photo ID and to enter immediately with their guests after picking up their tickets at will call.
This will require early arrival and patience from those attending, but is currently our only viable solution to stem the greed being furthered by Stubb Hub and other third party sites. We understand some who purchased tickets for night one expecting it to be the final Jack's show are frustrated by this addition and to you I am sorry. To this end, we are committed to crafting a single set that will be performed both nights with exception of one or two minor variations. We also hope that you can accept our apology for any confusion as we had not expected the reaction to this show to be so overwhelming.
We are incredibly grateful to share this moment with as many of our fans as possible as well as increase the impact we make in the lives of young adults who have come face to face with cancer. Both nights will be truly special and I know how excited the band and I are to share them with you.
Andrew McMahon/Dear Jack Foundation
Golden Voice Presale and Public Onsale Tickets can be bought here.